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Tema: Starfall content update out now!

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Nuevo Dorado

    Starfall content update out now!

    Resource Conversion & Starfall Event!



    • This game update includes the introduction of our brand-new Starfall Event:
    • Unveil a mysterious presence on the horizon, as we introduce a fresh series of quests and alluring rewards crafted specifically for players between levels 40 and 80
    • Upon successful completion of the initial quest chain, new repeatable quests within the same level range will be unlocked, promising even greater rewards and challenges
    • The quests and rewards will scale and vary depending on your current level
    • To unlock the Starfall quest chain players must attain a minimum level of 40 and have explored at least 9 island sectors.
    • Huge shout out to the dedicated test server community who contributed so much in discovering and fixing so many bugs in the final days of development.
    • To celebrate this release, exciting Starfall-themed decorations have arrived in our store!

    • Server: Fixed a server issue where players would get stuck loading in at 90%
    • Text: Fixed a localization issue when deleting adventures
    • UI: Operators work in the trade menu again ("|" for "and", "^x" for "starts with x", "x$" for "ends with x")


    Starfall quest "Identifying The Threat - Hazardous Environment Suits":
    • The description text is missing the info that the 8x Pro Stardust Mote Collection Mk. I. have to be produced in the "The Forerunner" airship.
    • This will be corrected in an upcoming patch.

    Starfall collection quests:
    • For quests that task players to collect a certain amount of motes or interact with a certain amount of S.C.R.A.P.P.E.R there are occasions where these can be hidden behind larger buildings and trees
    • Workaround: Move the building to another location/ Have sufficient woodcutters to chop all trees in an area
    • We are investigating means to improve upon this in an upcoming patch

    You are invited to provide your feedback > here <
    Última edición por BB_Sious; 25/01/2024 a las 18:31
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

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