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Tema: Change log 23.03.2022

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Nuevo Dorado

    Change log 23.03.2022

    This update will bring several performance improvements and additional bugfixes

    16th 23rd of March 2022


    We have reworked the production queue. Improvements include:
    • Improved production queue performance, large amount of orders no longer lead to crashes
    • Eliminated waiting time for operations such as move up/down, cancel the production, cancel all productions, and instant finish the production
    • The user interface of production items is cleaner. Unusable elements are hidden
    • When a production queue item is added to the queue, the view of the panel will not be switched from selection mode to the order production mode
    • The current amount of items in queue gets displayed on the corresponding icon in real-time
    • Implemented a scrollbar handle that is more convenient to use when there are a lot of orders in queue

    Other changes & improvements:
    • Buffs: Corrected the value of the Handful of Balloons buff, it should now work as advertised
    • Buffs: Fixed an issue that prevented a buff from applying to a building that was just constructed
    • Graphics: The pickup icon will now be shown immediately when an item is ready to be picked up
    • Graphics: Fully upgraded event buildings no longer display an upgrade symbol
    • Graphics: The smoke effect of buildings will now be displayed correctly
    • Graphics: The shield symbol of traveling Generals will now be displayed again
    • UI: Restored the move to top/bottom option in the production list
    • Performance: We have improved the background handling of the game, this should allow chat to reconnect after idling and reduce the amount of zone refreshes
    • Performance: Fixed an issue that caused frequent zone refreshes in adventures
    • UI: Fixed an issue that caused the displayed amount of items in production to add up after a zone change

    You can leave your feedback > here <
    Última edición por BB_Sious; 24/03/2022 a las 17:13
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

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