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Tema: Versión unity

  1. #71
    Avatar de berseg
    Fecha de Ingreso
    25 oct, 12
    Nuevo Dorado
    Cita Iniciado por berseg Ver Mensaje
    hablan de eventos, cuando no pueden arreglar esta porqueria, son impresentables
    contraten a los de tentlan, que son mejores que estos que tienen ustedes

  2. #72

    Fecha de Ingreso
    23 ene, 18
    Nuevo Dorado

    me aparece lo mismo que vero, alguna solucion?????

  3. #73
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Nuevo Dorado
    Dear Settlers,

    There is a workaround for a known "Out of Memory" error and this can be used as a temporary solution.

    Laboratories, oil mills, and harbors can generate an error (out of memory) when many productions are active at the same time, as soon as you want to select these buildings. It is then no longer possible to end or order the productions.

    A simple solution is, of course, to let these buildings rest - i.e. 'do not click on the buildings' - and let the productions expire.
    If you still want to revise your productions or want to avoid the inaccuracy mentioned, you can demolish all buildings of the same type from your island. It is not enough to demolish only one building of the type, but all the same, buildings must be removed. These buildings go into the star menu and can be built again from there. The raw materials of the productions also go back into the star, so there are no losses. Please note: Due to the delay, the "sending back" of the building and the raw materials may take some time and is not always immediately visible.

    After successful demolition, you can place the buildings on your island again, but be careful not to start too many productions at the same time.

    IMPORTANT: Please note pop-ups and information banners if applicable, only buildings without "upgrades" can return without losses. If you remove buildings with level upgrades, these upgrades will be reset and we will not be able to provide support. This temporary solution should therefore only be used with caution.

    We are of course still working on a solution to the basic problem, but you may be able to improve some inconveniences on your own. Many thanks to the settlers who have shared this solution with everyone.

    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  4. #74

    Fecha de Ingreso
    19 jun, 12
    Nuevo Dorado
    Hola, con la actualización del evento de Halloween, no se puede ingresar a ninguna aventura o volver de las isla de amigos, por favor solucionen el problema lo antes posible.

  5. #75

    Fecha de Ingreso
    19 jun, 12
    Nuevo Dorado
    Sobre el error que comentaba, dice esto: An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser Javascript console for more info. The error was: Uncaught Rangeerror: Maximum call stack size exceeded. Eso me sale en la ventana cuando quiero ingresar a una aventura.

  6. #76

    Fecha de Ingreso
    23 ene, 18
    Nuevo Dorado
    El cliente del 20.10.2021 no es compatible con windows 11, en el anterior cliente funcionaba bien.. tienen que estar tocando todos los bugs...

  7. #77
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Nuevo Dorado
    Hello players,

    Our team has already found a fix for several uncaught errors and it will be deployed soon. Please stay tuned for updates.

    I have passed on your report about the game's compatibility issue with the new Windows 11. Note that there are other applications that are not yet compatible with Windows 11. This may be patched soon. I can only suggest that you hold off on updating to Windows 11 in the meantime.

    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

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