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Tema: Unity Version Test Server

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Nuevo Dorado

    Unity Version Test Server

    Dear settlers,

    Busy months are behind us and now it is finally time for you to have a look at the upcoming Unity version for yourself!
    From Wednesday, April 28th, 2021 at 10:00 am (CEST) you can visit our test server at the following address and try out the game directly in your browser: (Please note that the link will not work until the predefined launch time.)

    Since our test server does not have the same capacities as our live environment, there may be longer loading times or decreased performance (depending on interest and onrush). But don't let that put you off and just try it again a little later.

    Should you otherwise find problems in the game or want to give us your feedback and first impressions, you can do so in a newly created forum. There you will also find further information on the current status of the Unity version (e.g. known bugs, system requirements, etc.). Please note that to help streamline feedback collection, these forums will only be available on the UK and DE forums; you're welcome to create an account there if you wish to submit feedback/bugs.

    We hope you enjoy trying it out and we would be very happy to receive your feedback!
    Your "The Settlers Online" Team
    Última edición por BB_Sious; 29/04/2021 a las 15:17
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

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