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Tema: Sneak Peek: TSO Unity Version

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Nuevo Dorado

    Sneak Peek: TSO Unity Version

    Dear Settlers,

    We know a lot of you have been eagerly awaiting news on the upcoming TSO Unity Version, so we'd like to share some news on how the future of "The Settlers Online" is progressing.

    One important opportunity we wanted to take advantage of during this process, was to make some small but beneficial improvements to various aspects of the game. Below, you can see a work-in-progress version of our new UI updates:

    Some of the improvements can be subtle, so here are some of the examples:
    • Reorganised text and assets in order to display more information, without the need for scrolling
    • Where scrolling is required, we've made the scroll-bars wider so they're more easily clickable
    • Removed some redundant assets such as subquest arrows and text borders to give a more clean presentation
    • Various text enhancements for easier readability

    Stay tuned for another Sneak Peek in the future, as we get closer to the release of the Unity Test Server; we're expecting this to be within the next two weeks. We understand the frustration that this has taken longer than initially planned, but we hope that having a future-proof Settlers Online will be worth the wait!

    Happy settling

    You are invited to provide feedback here.

    As with any other Sneak Peek, the content shared today may not reflect the final status of the end-product.
    Última edición por BB_Sious; 22/04/2021 a las 15:31
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