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Tema: Change log 10.12.2019

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Nuevo Dorado

    Change log 10.12.2019

    10th of December 2019


    • Christmas Event: This year's Christmas Event has been technically implemented into the game - Dev Diary coming soon!
    • Player Level 80: The maximum level cap for players is now Level 80!
    • Level 7 Building Upgrades: Certain buildings can now be upgraded to Level 7!
    • Oil Mill & Oil Seed: The Oil Mill has been added and Oil Seed can now be found on adventures!
    • Advanced Toolmaker: The new Advanced Toolmaker can now be built from the building menu!
    • Harbour Quest: The buff quest "The Harbour Endeavor" will be available in the merchant for those who didn't complete it!


    • The description of the Adventurous Explorer now states she is 4x as fast to match her actual speed.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Grim Reaper, Lord Dracul, and Younger Gemini General to have incorrect values in the shop.

    You are invited to provide feedback > here <
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  2. #2
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Nuevo Dorado

    Update: Buildings with Level 7 upgrade

    • Bakery - Panadería
    • Bowmaker - Fabricante de arcos
    • Brewery - Fábrica de brebaje
    • Butcher - Carnicero
    • Coal Mine - Mina de carbón
    • Coking Plant - Planta de coque
    • Colorful Finesmith - Metalista colorido
    • Colorful Simple Papermill - Fábrica de papel colorida
    • Copper Mine - Mina de cobre
    • Exotic Wood Cutter - Leñador de madera exótica
    • Exotic Wood Forester - Silvicultor de madera exótica
    • Exoticwood Sawmill - Serrería de madera exótica
    • Farm - Granja
    • Finesmith - Metalista
    • Fisherman - Pescador
    • Gold Mine - Mina de oro
    • Granite Mason - Mampostero de granito
    • Hardwood Cutter - Leñador de madera noble
    • Hardwood Forester - Silvicultor de madera noble
    • Hardwood Sawmill - Serrería de madera noble
    • Hunter - Cazador
    • Improved Lettersmith - Tipógrafo mejorado
    • Intermediate Papermill - Fábrica de papel intermedia
    • Iron Mine - Mina de hierro
    • Lettersmith - Tipógrafo
    • Longbowmaker - Fabricante de arcos largos
    • Mahogany Sawmill - Serrería de madera de caoba
    • Marble Mason - Mampostero de mármol
    • Mason - Mampostero
    • Mill - Molinero
    • Pinewood Cutter - Leñador de madera de pino
    • Pinewood Forester - Silvicultor de madera de pino
    • Pinewood Sawmill - Serrería de madera de pino
    • Residence - Residencia
    • Saltpeter Mine - Mina de salitre
    • Silo - Silo
    • Simple Papermill - Fábrica de papel
    • Stable - Establo
    • Storehouse - Almacén
    • Titanium Mine - Mina de titanio
    • Toolmaker - Fabricante de herramientas
    • Watermill - Molino de agua

    Don't worry if you don't see your favourite building listed above; more buildings will receive their own Level 7 Upgrade in future deployments!
    Última edición por BB_Sious; 05/12/2019 a las 18:02
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

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