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Tema: Dev Blog: Building space

  1. #1
    Community Team Avatar de Old_BB_Amta
    Fecha de Ingreso
    22 mar, 16
    Nuevo Dorado

    Dev Blog: Building space

    Dear Settlers,

    A Dev Blog provides a glimpse behind the curtain. It's written by our Game Design Team and it's not translated to avoid information loss or unintentionally changed facts. This time, BB_Alex provides background information and explains certain development decisions about the Building Space.

    Important: We recently found out that all small decoration objects but flower beds have a wrong blocking grid. We will fix that in one of the upcoming game versions. Flower beds have the correct and intended blocking, they can be placed on more spots on the island than other decoration objects (i.e. a bench). We've therefore created one map for decoration items (wrong blocking grid) and one for flower beds (correct blocking grid size). In the future, flower beds and other decoration objects will occupy the same space (same as flower beds do currently).

    Building Space: Changes & Impact

    The Dev Blog texts are provided by the Development Team in English.
    To avoid losing or falsifying information, a loose translation will be provided separately at a later time.

    Greetings Settlers! It's nice to talk to you again. One of the main topics during the last weeks was the available building space. Thank you for contributing to the discussion, your feedback is always welcome!

    We felt we should provide more information related to this topic.
    Today I will try to explain why certain changes had to be implemented and also the reasons behind the difficult decisions that had to be made.

    First the terminology, so you know exactly what I am talking about when certain words are used.
    grid - a square on the map used as a measurement unit by the engine. Blocking is defined for each grid.
    map blocking - blocking which is applied to the map.
    building blocking - blocking which is applied to the building.
    blocking algorithm - rule set used to define the connection between map and building blocking leading to available building space.
    variable - a value used for calculations in the code.
    wood deposit - a deposit defined on the map, containing a certain amount of wood.
    tree cluster - a cluster of trees which belong to a wood deposit.
    mine deposit - a deposit defined on a map, containing a certain amount of ore or stone.
    pathfinding algorithm - used to calculate the space that can be used by an unit to reach its destination.
    small decoration building blocking - blocking used for small decoration buildings like benches and flowerbeds. Yellow grids (2x2)

    default building blocking - blocking used by most of the buildings in The Settlers Online. Red core grid surrounded by yellow grids. (3x3) The yellow edge is needed for streets and access to the building for settlers/generals/marshals.

    Different Blocking Types
    Red: This blocking is the hard blocking type. A grid using this blocking doesn't allow anything to be placed on it. It's also not used by the pathfinding algorithm.
    Yellow: A soft blocking type. Grids using this type of blocking can be used by certain mechanics. Streets and small decoration buildings can be placed on this blocking, since they use the yellow blocking themselves (2x2). These are also used by the pathfinding algorithm (settlers/generals/marshals & wildlife). Most buildings can't be placed on yellow grids directly, since they use the default building blocking. Tree clusters and wood deposits use this yellow blocking.
    Orange: Also a soft blocking type. Used by the pathfinding algorithm but doesn't allow the placement of any building or street. Basically, covering the logical gap between red and yellow.
    Blue: A blocking type used to define water building spots
    Purple: A blocking type used for the expedition progress building

    Initial Situation
    The initial map blocking wasn't that different from the map blocking in the February update. It was the same, except for some single grids. The main difference was the blocking algorithm. The rule set between the map blocking and the building blocking of small decoration buildings allowed the placement of those decoration buildings on tree clusters and even on wood deposits. Sometimes this resulted in the loss of those wood deposits or in locked zones. The blocking algorithm was changed to avoid these errors and to render the system more stable. Wood deposits and tree clusters became unavailable as building space for small decoration buildings. This change had no effect on the rules set for buildings with the default building blocking, since the blocking algorithm for those is more complex, containing an additional blocking type (red), which already defined the tree clusters and wood deposits as unavailable building space (red can't be placed on yellow).

    More than small decorations were affected
    Indeed, other buildings were affected as well. This is related to several other changes/issues.
    1. The Island Storehouse had no proper default building blocking. This resulted in inaccessible buildings, when they were placed close to the Island Storehouse.
    2. Certain mine deposits didn't have the default building blocking (e.g. sector 13), which resulted in them being used as building space for other as well as the mines. A building placed beside or on such a mine deposit will block the access to this deposit for settlers, which can again result in severe issues. This is critical for stone deposits, where the production building is not placed on the deposit itself but uses it as an external deposit. Adding the default building blocking to those deposits resulted in building space becoming unavailable for normal or big buildings. The Magnificent Residence was affected the most, since it's a big popular building, which needs a lot of connected building space.
    3. There was also an issue in the blocking algorithm, resulting in the inability to place Magnificent Residences on spots which clearly had the connected building space. This was fixed with the last game update.
    4. The map blocking in certain spots in sector 17 was missing (yellow blocking). This wrongly resulted in available building space directly adjoined the water, leading again to inaccessible buildings. Resolving this issue resulted in less building space available overall.
    5. The Witch Tower appears to have broken blocking. I will cover this issue as soon as I am done writing this Dev Blog.

    Changes during the latest deployment to provide more building space
    1. The blocking algorithm was adjusted to allow the placement of small decoration buildings close to wood deposits and on tree clusters, but not on the wood deposit itself.
    2. The issue responsible for the inability to place Magnificent Residences on clearly available building space was corrected.
    3. The island was expanded in sectors 13 & 17 to provide additional building space.
    4. Several of the old sectors were also expanded to increase available building space.
    5. Some grids were using the red map blocking without good reason and this was rectified as well (sector 2 & 6)

    Can the system be changed and improved?
    Our initial goal was to allow wood and mine deposits to be used as building space, disabling their functionality to avoid zone locks. This would have resulted in the maximum available building space, while maintaining a stable and safe system. However there is huge effort and very high risk involved in reworking this core mechanic, so we decided a rework is not feasible at the moment.

    Are there places where previously available building spots no longer exist?
    Yes. Some of the spots previously available have become unavailable with the latest deployment. Some players may have buildings placed in these spots. We can't guarantee the functionality of those buildings or the stability of your zone, as long as there are buildings placed using the old blocking algorithm.

    Can't you just remove those buildings?
    We don't want to remove buildings from your island. Instead we are giving you the choice to leave, move or tear down the building by yourself, keeping in mind the information above regarding the functionality of your buildings and your zone .

    More detailed information will follow. I hope I was able to explain the system and answer the most frequent questions.

    Thank you for your contribution and we are looking forward to your feedback!

    Última edición por BB_Amta; 15/04/2016 a las 16:24
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  2. #2
    Community Team Avatar de Old_BB_Amta
    Fecha de Ingreso
    22 mar, 16
    Nuevo Dorado
    Map comparison

    Important: We recently found out that all small decoration objects but flower beds have a wrong blocking grid. We will fix that in one of the upcoming game versions. Flower beds have the correct and intended blocking, they can be placed on more spots on the island than other decoration objects (i.e. a bench). We've therefore created one map for decoration items (wrong blocking grid) and one for flower beds (correct blocking grid size). In the future, flower beds and other decoration objects will occupy the same space (same as flower beds do currently).

    Compare the building spaces for decoration structures and buildings with the following island screen shots.

    Screenshots "before" reflect the spaces before the changes that were introduced in the February game version.
    Screenshots "current" reflect the current spaces including all changes with the recent (after Easter event) game version.

    Before February

    With removable mountains
    Without removable mountains

    April game version

    With removable mountains
    Without removable mountains
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

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