Por favor, remite tus opiniones y comentarios acerca del juego. Valoramos cualquier crítica constructiva que nos ayudará a mejorar el juego.
Hola compañeros al cabo de estar jugando he notado algo que nos afecta en las aventuras Como el que los generales al terminas de atacar un...
http://static.cdn.ubi.com/0034/archive/Forum_int/Pictures/2014_04_08_bunny.pngDear players, Enjoying the Easter egg hunt? Feel free to leave your...
Dear players, Done with your excursion to The Volcano (https://forum.juego-thesettlersonline.com/threads/17665) on the test server...
Dear settlers, Be a pirate tester today and check out the new mini-event on the test server (https://www.tsotesting.com/en/homepage)! The...
Dear players, Feel free to leave your feedback regarding Change log - 20.03.2018 (https://forum.juego-thesettlersonline.com/threads/17655) in this...
Dear Settlers, We'd love to read your feedback, please post it in this thread. To go back to original post, click >here...
Dear players, You may leave your feedback regarding the Change log - 20.02.2018 (https://forum.juego-thesettlersonline.com/threads/17631) in this...
Dear Settlers, Have you tried the new quest buff, "Shiny Gemstone (https://forum.juego-thesettlersonline.com/threads/17623)" in the test server...
Dear settlers, Feel free to share your thoughts, impressions and feedback to the Christmas Event 2017...
Dear Settlers, Do you think you guessed all the songs right? Leave here your comments and feedback. Click here ...
Dear Settlers, Feel free to leave any feedback or comments on the Dev Diary: Guild Market Vote...
Dear Settlers, We are currently evaluating the implementation of a new function to the game: Stopping the home island (e.g. resource...
Dear Settlers, You may leave your comments and feedback to the Change log 05.12.2017...
Dear Settlers, Feel free to leave your feedback to the Change log 21.11.2017...
Dear Settlers, We invite you to leave your feedback regarding the Community Day: Insights...
http://static.cdn.ubi.com/0034/int/forum/pictures/2016_halloween/golem_gif_forum_s.gif Dear settlers, Now that you've read the Dev Diary:...
Dear settlers, Now that you've hit those buttons on the test server (https://www.tsotesting.com/en/homepage). Feel free to share your thoughts and...
Dear players, You may leave your feedback to the Sneak Peek: Christmas Event 2017...
Dear settlers, Please leave your feedback regarding Change Log - 10.10.2017...
Dear players, Feel free to share your feedback regarding the Sneak Peek: Guild Market Vote...
Dear settlers, We invite you to provide feedback about the Crisis Quest - The Bandit's Counterattack...
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